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Friday, January 10, 2003
Commendable ** Have I ever mentioned I like it here (at my job)? Yes, I know I have. I know I've bitched too, but I prefer to remember the happy comments. :-) My boss's boss just dropped by. He's one of my favorite people here. He just isn't your typical management guy. He remembers people by name, remembers what's happening with everyone and all the teams. He stopped as he was passing by to see how things were going, commented on the fact that I don't have much time left before the baby (pleasantly, chatty, not accusingly!), and seemed pleased when I asked him how his recent trip was. He just got back yesterday from NYC. Just one of those feel-good moments, and I thought I'd share.
Thursday, January 09, 2003
Sad ** Okay, maybe it's pregnancy hormones. This story has me crying, sitting here at my desk at work. This one almost got me yesterday, but I held it in. It's gotta be the hormones. I suddenly want to save every dog alive today. First story courtesy of Sara. Part of this emotional day might stem from my night of dreadful non-sleep. I didn't sleep more than an hour and a half at a stretch once. It was horrible. Every possible thing that could wake me up, did (heartburn, phone calls from chatty loved ones - at 10:00 p.m.!!!, world-ending sirens 10 minutes long, etc.). It was awful. And tonight we get to go to childbirth class. I'm coming home and sleeping afterward, period.
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Veronica ** Once upon a time, I named my car Veronica. I have no idea why, and it didn't stick. But the truth is, I loved that car. It's seen better days and it's ready to leave us now. Joe replaced the starter and now that it's running better than it has in years (maybe since I bought it myself), we had to place an ad for it for this weekend. Goodbye, sweet car. I don't know why it's hard for me to part with things like that. Anyone looking for a red 1987 Mazda RX-7 2+2? Didn't think so.
Who Wants to Pretend to be a Millionaire? ** Well, since other people are admitting it, I suppose I can, too. Joe and I watched Joe Millionaire. In fact, we realized it was on and waited all evening in anticipation. We do like some reality shows, though not the Bachelor or Alaskan bride ones. Joe has been chomping at the bit to see this one, because he wants to see humiliated any woman who would go on this show just to meet a multi-millionaire. Well, I see his point, but I really would prefer not to see anyone humiliated -- as much as they have it coming. It turned out to be interesting, but waaaaaay too many commercials, and that Heidi girl annoys me like nails on a chalkboard every time I see her. I'd still rather take 24 or West Wing anyday.
Tuesday, January 07, 2003
Profundities ** Nothing exciting to add today. I had a 3-day weekend, since I took yesterday as a vacation day for my glucose testing. When I got home, I slept for 3 hours, so I guess that's a good use of a vacation day! Had a dinner party on Friday with Chris and Mason and went to see Bowling for Columbine which all four of us HIGHLY recommend seeing. Definitely thought-provoking and intriguing. Besides, any movie which has "Take the Skinheads Bowling" as its opening credit song - appropriately! - is a good movie. The rest of the weekend was very busy. I never stopped, and that's probably part of why I slept so much yesterday. There's just so much to be done, and not a lot of time to do it.