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Friday, December 06, 2002
Bad food ** I admit it. I'm bad. I am eating a burger (sans bun) and fries from next door's cafeteria... With piles of cheddar cheese on both. It's my "heart attack in a box," I just told my co-worker, but it's yummy. I hope the baby likes cheese. And I'd better remember to take my prenatal vitamin today.
Friday ** I'm so glad it's Friday. I'm in a great mood, I just have no motivation whatsoever. Work's kinda slow today again, and I find myself screwing around on the internet again. I wish it wasn't like this. Though I did get my service results, and our team did great this month, and year-to-date. My personal results were 100% satisfied, 100% very satisfied, and 100% YTD. Yay me. I still wish I could be motivated today. Not helping by the fact that the baby, who's been ridiculously, painfully active all week, is now hardly moving at all. I kind of miss it now. :(
Thursday, December 05, 2002
Ice storm ** I feel for all of you in the path of this vicious storm. Stay warm, and stay safe. I feel guilty that it's supposed to be 72 degrees here today. We just found out about a half-dozen of our offices (including our headquarters) shut down about 1/2 hour ago. I hope they all got home safely. I wonder what it would be like to have snow days........
Okay, I've softened ** I overreacted slightly. The poll was referencing an article about the Vatican, where they are considering the issue of gay men in Catholic priesthood. The poll happened to be placed immediately adjacent to the news reports on the front page of azcentral.com addressing Phoenix's most recent high-profile Catholic sex-abuse case. That's why I made the connection, and I'm certain others did too. But the article was fair, reading: "The issue of gays in the priesthood has gained attention after accusations in the United States that priests molested children, and that Church leaders tried to cover it up by moving known abusers from parish to parish.
I'm appalled ** Our local newspaper's home page routinely asks poll questions in the right-hand margin, questions which change daily. Today's question is really irritating me greatly: "Should gay Catholic men be allowed to become priests?" What the hell kind of question is that? Even asking that question is stupid. The people who have perpetrated these crimes under the veil of Catholic secrecy have been pedophiles. That's a very, very different issue. There have been countless disturbing instances of heterosexual pedophilia both within the church, and our educational system, and others... Yet, have you ever seen a poll asking, "Should straight men be allowed to be teachers?" No! That's because it's an entirely, utterly different issue. How disgusting that this front page should even imply that the problem in the Catholic Church is gay men! I'm off to write a letter to the editor.
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
Happiness is... ** home cooked red beef tamales. Oh, yum.
Tuesday, December 03, 2002
Poor Joe ** On our anniversary trip last year, we found ourselves one day too late to see Midnight Oil at House of Blues in New Orleans. Joe was very saddened by this, and made the pouty, prophetic statement that he will never in his life get to see them. Midnight Oil is his favorite band. When I asked him who his favorite band was on our first date, he really took me by surprise with that answer. It's definitely an unusual choice. His second favorite is/was U2, which just solidified my instant respect for him. But now, it looks like Midnight Oil is no more. The lead singer, Peter Garrett, has left the band after 25 years. That's really sad, and I don't look forward to telling Joe he really won't ever get to see them now. Bummer.
Funky funky, I'm a junkie ** I feel like an addict this morning or something. I am coming down with a cold. With my last cold, I discovered that three things made it end faster than ever before: Mass quantities of Vitamin C (preferably the 2000% RDA in Odwalla smoothies), mass quantities of water, and normal reasonable quantities of Sudafed severe cold formula (yes, it's approved by my OB/GYN). Knocks it right out of me. Well... I took my last Sudafed at 2:00 this morning (it helped too, believe me). When I stopped at Walgreens this morning, I stood in front of the cold section for five minutes before giving up and asking the pharmacist if they had Sudafed. He informed me it's kept behind the front checkout counter and I'd have to go ask for it. What? I've never understood the big deal with Sudafed. Can someone explain to me why on earth this is being handled like a controlled substance? It does nothing for me but kill my cold. Instead, I feel like a drug addict begging for my fix. Oh well. At least I'll feel like a drug addict without a cold.
Monday, December 02, 2002
Bonovox ** If you know me at all, you know my favorite band of all-time is U2. I'm a weird fan though. I don't own everything they've ever done (I don't buy a lot of music - no idea why), and I've missed a couple of concerts (though not many). I know a lot about them, but mostly I find them flawed human beings who just make music I can groove to. But Bono on a solo tour? That's just not right.
December? Already? ** Geez, this year has simply flown by. And it seems, the more I wish for it to slow down, the faster it goes. Thanksgiving was nice, though my mother came down with viral bronchitis and had to cancel on us. We went to Joe's 2 sets of parents instead, and it turned out to be far less stressful than I anticipated. I braved the crowds on Friday for shopping and had a blast. I enjoy shopping alone on really busy days - set my own pace, choose my own stores, etc. Christmas shopping is in great shape - just have one or two more things for Joe, my brother and a couple of others. I actually went through the ads and made a list of what I wanted from where, and it was a piece of cake! The mall coupons saved me about $40 too! Anyway, the house is almost decorated; only a handful of things to finish. Joe hung the lights yesterday and everything is beautiful. I bought Princess a squeaky toy on Friday (her first ever) and by Friday evening, she'd destroyed it. I was irrationally saddened by this, which I still can't figure out. Joe's promised the next time we go to Petsmart, he'll roll around on the floor, biting all the squeaky toys until he finds one worthy of our Princess's affection. I promised him I'd bail him out when they arrested him. So, I hope you all had lovely weekends. Mine was restful, and I came to work with a better attitude this morning. I'm still in this I-don't-want-to-work funk, but at least I'm not angry at anyone anymore. I just learned a lesson last week about my co-worker, and it's not worth dwelling on. In fact, I didn't think about it once all weekend! Yay! It's nice to be back on a slightly even keel, emotionally. Physically? Well, let's just say my back hurts a lot because I seem to have grown an unreasonable amount in the last week. I do have a picture of us from Vegas (where you can make out my gigantic belly), and a picture of the baby's room (well, the crib part of it, anyway), both of which I'll post on the baby's page when I scan them in. Expect that by mid-week if you're interested. Have a great week, all!