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Friday, November 15, 2002
Homeland security ** Okay, I'm kind of weirdly fuzzy today, but I still have some thoughts on this lately. First, I'm not afraid to admit that news stories like this scare me: FBI warns of plans for 'spectacular' attack. Yeah, I know, they want us to be afraid and all that jazz. But do I care if they know that I am? Maybe my government will care more if I am. Maybe not. But as for homeland security, I heard a news report that Congress is about to approve the creation of a Department of Homeland Security. Now, don't get me wrong. I just said I'm afraid of these wackos and others doing nasty things to us. I'm all for the security of our homeland. But, um, isn't that something we've been concerned about since this nation was established? I mean, don't we want to be safe? Don't we want to know what threats are out there and protect ourselves against them? If we need a department to start doing this now, then no wonder we're in so much damned trouble! What the hell is the point of the FBI and CIA? Let's de-centralize and committee-ize things just a little more. I think the real answer is exactly what I am afraid it is. Our government has gotten so deeply into the business of policing the world, it took a major attack on our own soil to jolt them into thinking maybe they need to at least pretend to pay attention to our security. Of course, it has always struck me as odd (and nicely convenient) that we have very rarely ever been attacked on our own soil by a foreign force. We have the luxury of geography and weak (either in aggressive will or economy - don't hate me, I like Canada!) neighbors. So did our government take that for granted? Is the sky blue? Why on earth did they think that would last? Technological advancements, military advancements, information-sharing advancements have been threatening to challenge our little safety bubble for decades, and now they think maybe we should look at the security of our country? If they'd get their heads out of their collective asses for one day maybe they'd see we don't need to be busy policing every other country's business. Reign it in a bit, boys. Redeploy the resources. Drop the hubris. Secure the homeland.
Feelin' Good ** So, I had this freak burst of energy last night (thank you, 2nd trimester), and I attacked the house. You see, I haven't been feeling very "peppy" when I get home in the evenings and the last thing I want to do is clean. So my areas (which include my side of the bedroom, my bathroom, and unfortunately, the kitchen) were embarassingly bad. Not anymore! I went through a TON of laundry, cleaned my whole bathroom and washed every dish in the house as well as cleaned the whole kitchen. All before Joe got home from school at about 7:15. After that, my whole back and stomach were killing me and I had to rest. I was still hurting when I went to bed (early, at 8:45), but I feel great today. To add to my good feelings, I'm getting some Christmas shopping done. You have to know me to understand what this means. I am the preeminent last-minute shopper. I never mean to be. I always mean to make a list of friends/family and gift ideas and start early. But in reality, I can't think of anything for half of them and I spend the week before Christmas trying to convince myself that this or that stupid little trinket is exactly what X wants. Not this year. I bought my step-mother's gift about two months ago when I stumbled across it. I bought my mother's first gift last week, and her second one yesterday. I know exactly what I'm getting about half the other people on my list, and I've just been waiting for today (pay day). I haven't done this in years, and I can only guess it's fueled by some combination of pregnant nesting and a desire to stay the hell away from the stores after Thanksgiving with my huge belly and tired feet. Whatever the reason, it feels great!
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Mooooo ** Okay, ew. This woman, working at a daycare, nursed someone else's baby. There may have been a time in long-gone days when people did this (though it's hard for me to grasp that). But in this day and age? Hello? Ew?
Go girl ** I'd like to take a moment to say a huge congratulations to my good friend Kendra! She called last night and told me she'd been accepted to NAU's Spanish Immersion program, starting in January. While I'm not happy that she's moving away (again!), I'm thrilled that she'll get to do this. It's one semester, 20 hours of intensive Spanish. The last 2 weeks will be spent in Mexico. Congrats, Kendra! :-)
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Observation ** King-sized Snickers bars are remarkably phallic. That's all I have to say about that.
The Original George Dubbya ** All of the above, much to Joe's dismay sometimes... Posted 8:24 AM by Kerry O.
Good morning, Hump Day! ** I'm in a great mood this morning, and I've no idea why. First and foremost, happy birthday, Mommy! You're old. A girl on my team this morning got a very disturbing voice mail. It's given us all the creeps this morning, particularly because she's such a nice person and has no unhappy customers (therefore nobody with motive to leave this weird message). Kind of a weird way to start the day, but I'm sure it's nothing.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Thankful ** I know it's not Thanksgiving yet, but I try to remember on a daily basis the things for which I'm thankful. Today I have a new one... I am thankful that my life does not center around anything electronic. Sure, I watch a little too much TV in the evenings in my pregnant lethargy, but I don't count that. I spend too much of my work day looking at crap on the internet, but mostly I'm just looking. People put things out there, business or personal, to be looked at. And, in part, so do I. I have this little journal, and I have a journal for the baby (without comments for a reason; it's primarily for my own amusement). I know that a handful of people will read these and some of my entries will bore them, while some will inspire some measley emotional response. And, while I have accidentally (I mean that) made friends through message boards, etc., that is not in fact my goal. If I link to you, it means I find you interesting. If you link to me, I assume likewise. I don't assume you want to be my best friend or expect you to hurry on out here to Phoenix to be my buddy. Don't take it personally. It's just the way it is. I'm not out there actively seeking some sort of electronic approval from people I've never met. I was okay not having a hundred superficial friends in high school. I'm definitely okay with it now, and I don't intend to run around trying to win any popularity contests. Only one person has had the ability to royally piss me off in all my years online. That was an important lesson to learn... The lesson that this is not the real world, as much as some days we all like to pretend it is. That both excuses and exempts much of what we do and say. But at the same time, it can embarass you when you don't recognize the truth. There are so many people out there (at the moment I'm referring to journallers/bloggers) who don't "get it." I'm far from perfect, but the one thing I have going for me is a real life. With real goals. A real job. And real friends. For that, I am especially thankful.
Monday, November 11, 2002
Sell my soul ** Anyone want to buy me and Joe Cirque du Soleil tickets? It would really be quite kind of you. Really. I didn't realize they were going to be quite that much. I should've. We paid more in Orlando, and I know they're more in Vegas, but this is a touring show, and I expected it to be a little cheaper. Ugh. We'll fork it out anyway, I'm sure, because I simply cannot control myself. I wouldn't forgive myself for letting Cirque Du Soleil come to Phoenix and not going to see it. So, I guess it'll be a little bit leaner gift-wise for Christmas this year. Hope you all understand, friends and family! I'm going to be selfish for once. :-)
Holiday Schmoliday ** There's nothing more cheerful than watching the news while getting ready for work and hearing the windbag traffic Barbie say, "Well, there are no backups on Valley freeways this morning because everyone has the day off today." No, really, everyone does not have the day off today. Grumble grumble. Feeling much better. I did go home on Friday and was snug in my bed by 10 a.m. I still have no idea what was wrong with me, but I'm feeling fine now so I don't really want to jinx anything. The weekend was nice (including dinner with my family and siblings yesterday), save for the endless nightmares I had last night about someone trying to break into our house. That was really very unpleasant and did not allow me to sleep well at all. Now Princess gets to be locked up all day long while Joe and I are both at work. I have to go buy birthday presents for my mother and I can't because I have to let Princess out. I guess that means I'll be frantically shopping tomorrow night. Great. Hope you had a nice weekend!