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Friday, November 01, 2002
Friday funnies ** Heh. Here's another one.
Too funny ** My assistant just sent me this. It's riotous. Go there. Now.
Miscellany ** Last night I discovered that I bake a mean iced sugar cookie! They also happened to be gluten free, but seriously I think they're about the best sugar cookie I have ever eaten. I brought a bunch to work to share, but I haven't put them out yet. I hope others find them as tasty as I do. We had a lot more trick-or-treaters this year, I'd say probably around 30. The majority were angels, princesses, Superman. There was an 11-month old who looked less-than-thrilled to be dressed like a lion. But this year witnessed a new phenomenon. Last year, I noticed that there were a couple of kids coming with their parents in a vehicle, obviously from another less advantaged, immigrant area. They would drive up, jump out, hit a couple of houses, and drive on down the road. Now, I'm okay with this. We live in a relatively affluent, safe neighborhood. But this year, some of those people, two groups of them, were 10-15 year olds (with their parents) - none of whom were even remotely in costume! Basically, they were begging. I said to one girl, who looked to be about 15, "But you don't even have a costume on!" You know what she said to me? Not "I couldn't afford one" or "Yes I do! I'm ______." No. She said, laughing, "I didn't have time." WHAT? Furthermore, on my way to work this morning, I cut someone off. He had his turn signal on before the light, so I thought he was turning at the light. But in reality, he wanted to turn into the bank after the light - and so did I. So I cut him off (not that bad; I sped up to try not to inconvenience him), and turned in. I went through the drive-through and he pulled up to the side of the bank. As I was doing my business (today's payday!!), he walks near my car and hollers at me, all kinds of mean things about me, my driving, etc. I smiled at him, and he went away. I felt bad as I was finishing my banking, and I really didn't want to leave it like that. So, not wanting this to ruin my day, as I pulled out and around him, I left my window down and yelled cheerfully, "Have a nice day!" I said it sincerely, I wasn't being a bitch! He leans out of his car menacingly and starts screaming at me, "Listen, bitch...." blah blah blah. I was stunned. But I held my composure, smiled again, and said, "I know, I know. But I hope you have a nice day!" So I waved and drove off while he was still yelling. But I feel better because I was nice. :-) There are my Friday thoughts. There is a monster balloon rally going on about 2 miles from my office, and from the 4th floor, it's a glorious sight!
Thursday, October 31, 2002
Work ** This has to be one of the longest days of my life. It's one of those stare-at-the-clock days. I'm about to just up and leave, 15 minutes early. I've done today's work and a good chunk of what I had calendared for tomorrow. Ugh.
Fossil Baby ** Um, wow. This woman had a 7.7 pound fossil baby lodged in abdominal cavity since 1956. How can you not know that? Very strange.
Boo! ** Wednesday, October 30, 2002
UofA shootings ** I haven't really said anything about this, but it's horrifying, of course. And awfully close to home, literally. People always say when these things happen that they're amazed it could happen here, or that they realize just how human and vulnerable they are. I'm included in that. But why is it that we return to complacency all too quickly? Because we have to or risk losing our tenuous hold on sanity. Why did the husband of one of these instructors immediately know who committed this awful murder because his wife had already told him she was afraid of him? It should never have happened, but it did, and it will again. Ugh. There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. It's just sick.
Wacky eBayers ** I'm trying to compare prices out there to get a feel for what I can sell the Mazda for, and I found this eBay auction. I figured I'd click on their little pictures to see what kind of condition this is in... Yeah. It's apparently pouring rain at the time the photos were taken, and you have to see the third photo down on the left. They completely soaked the entire interior door - power window controllers and all! Couldn't you wait a few hours until it stopped raining? It's probably horribly musty and possibly moldy inside there now. Yick.
Quietness ** I'm not trying to be lame, I just haven't felt like blogging about anything important lately. There have been plenty of things I've thought about and talked/debated with others, but I just haven't felt like blogging. It's just a phase, I'm in a funk. Forgive me if I'm kinda quiet until I'm out of it. :-) Thanks.
Fun ** I love getting lost in a web of logs. I came in this morning to a phone with no message light, and not much to do. So I started clicking people's links to other journals. It's a blast! Try it yourself!
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Is there a hidden camera in here? ** Umm, yeah. A couple of months ago, my co-worker and I won a "Service Excellence Award," which wins us a congratulatory company-wide email, a little plexiglass award, and lunch with the VP's. Well, the lunch is today. It dawned on me that given my dietary restrictions I should probably ask what we're having. I hate to be one of "those" people, but I needed to know if I should eat first or not. This response is literally practically a textbook-perfect example of foods I cannot go anywhere near: "It's going to be a pasta buffet. Spaghetti w/Marinara & Meatballs and Chicken Alfredo. There will also be bread and salad/veggies. Soda & water is also included." Maybe I can have some water. I guess I'd better eat first.
Monday, October 28, 2002
Go Angels! ** I'm so happy the Angels won, not just because they're Jeniffer's favorite team, or because I enjoyed watching Barry Bonds lose, but because I'm a D-Backs fan, and the Giants always want to do what we do only better... But this time, they fell short! They may have a barely nicer ballpark, or barely better attendance, or whatever. But they don't have a World Series Championship. Heh heh. So, kudos to the Angels. It was one hell of a Series, one of which I can say I watched all. Except for the few times I dozed off during a couple of them. :-) Can't help it, it's that pregnancy thing. Had a nice weekend, but too short, of course. It was drizzly most of the weekend, which Phoenix so desperately needs, and the high country got snow, which they desperately need. Maybe there will be decent AZ skiing again this year. Too bad I can't join in. Maybe I'll just go up to the cabin in January and veg on the porch. Sounds lovely.