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Friday, September 06, 2002
Might as well face it, you're addicted ** I'm addicted to water. It's bizarre. I crave it, I love it, it's wonderful. Especially good, filtered, cold water, cold like when there was a ton of ice, but it's all just melted and gone away. Delicious.
Thursday, September 05, 2002
Today ** Went to the tummy doctor today. It was very brief, and very uneventful. She gave me a prescription for iron pills, since she's worried with the Celiac combined with the pregnancy I might not be getting enough with my pre-natals. Okay, that's fine with me. That was it. I kind of walked out wondering (a) why I needed to come back this month anyway, even if I hadn't been pregnant, and (b) how much my insurance company is paying for that 10 minute appointment. Even my $15 co-pay seemed almost too much, though the peace of mind knowing that everything's okay is probably worth it.
American Idle ** That's exactly what I think it is now. Especially if they release that dreadful song they made Kelly sing at the end as her first single. *yawn* Anyway, yes, Joe and I watched the final American Idol last night, I admit it. We were both so fed up by the end, it was a matter of just getting it over with and hoping for the less-vomit-inducing winner. Thankfully, Justin did not win and all is right with the world for another day.
Wednesday, September 04, 2002
Ch-Ch-Changes ** I've noticed a little shift in my social life lately, and I'm trying to sort out what I want to do about it. Here's the deal... I don't really want a social life. I've spent my life being extroverted and surrounded by friends. Now? I don't really want to be. At all. I'm not sure why, or what the long-term impact of this is, but it seems to be true. I like spending time with my husband (thankfully! Ha!), and my mom and brother (not enough, unfortunately), and I do things once in a great while with a couple of work friends (fun and politically correct). But beyond that? Yeah, not really. I miss Ember and Michelle and Kendra and some others... but it's more like I miss wanting to see them. Most days I'm so damned tired and/or busy and/or cranky that the last thing I can or want to do is go out and uselessly socialize. Yes, I know there may come a day when I regret that, and find I don't have any or many friends left. But I figure when and if that day comes, I will be in a new place in my life, and so will my friends now. If those places happen to coincide and we want to be closer friends again then, fine. If not, then I will be sorry and move on to new ones. I also know that some of those friends read this blog. Hopefully you understand and don't hold against me what I'm writing. It sounds trite, but it's true. It's not you, it's me. My life has gotten infinitely more complicated, and strangely infinitely more simple at the same time. I'm busy, but I like it. I'm tired, but it makes me happy to know why. This is just a place in my life where I need to go it alone for a little while. I don't know if anyone else can understand that right now, but that's the way it is.
Fall Back ** I am so ready for Fall, I can taste it. It's supposed to be 110 degrees today, very much like June. And yet, I have faith that autumn is just around the corner. They've been promising that we'd get the remnants of two hurricanes/tropical storms for days, and now they're promising they will visit this weekend or early next week. That should drop temps into two digits at last. Trust me, when it's over 100 degrees every day for over three solid months (except for 3 days in August and 2 in June - look at July!)... Well, it just gets old. And then, things like the Harvest Festival come around in September, taunting us. Bastards. I hope the weather is much more delightful wherever you are. And, well, if you're in Phoenix with me, keep your fingers crossed for Hurricane Hernan! It's only mid-60's in San Francisco and I found a rate for $103 round-trip this weekend. You can't begin to imagine how tempting that is.
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
Worst Loss Ever ** This was one of those perfect examples of something being hysterically funny only because it was so famously bad. The Diamondbacks managed to lose 19 to nothing to the Dodgers in a game that can only be laughed at. It was annoying at first, when it was 6 or 7-0. But by the time it was 18-0 and first baseman Mark Grace pitched for one home run and 3 outs in the ninth, well, that was just classic. I'm actually glad I kept watching the game throughout. Besides giving me a good laugh, it made peaceful background noise for my reading. The steady crack of the bats as they hit 24 times was almost soothing. I get to go to the game tonight with my mom and some of her work peers. I really hope they pull it together and actually show up at the park this time. Amusing though it was on TV, I'm not so sure I would have found it entertaining if I'd been there in person.
Laboring ** Good morning, on this not-a-Monday first day of the week. I hope you all had long weekends, and I hope you enjoyed them. I was ill last Friday, and again yesterday, so I didn't have as much fun as I would have liked. But alas, such is life. Now I'm back and trying desperately to get my momentum back. Not as easy as I'd hoped!