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Friday, June 21, 2002
A sad state of affairs ** This officer shot a dog twice in the head at point-blank range in front of a 10-year-old girl for no reason. He's been disciplined before for excessive use of force. What is with these people and why do we let them be police officers?
Thursday, June 20, 2002
Ponderances ** Does Joe love me? Yes. Yes, he does. And I'm the top of the search category to prove it!
Dry heat ** You know, when we were in Pennsylvania last week, my uncle and great-aunt were trying to explain to us what a serious drought they're in. Now, I believe them, and I know that they have some drought issues. But this is a drought, and what we're facing here in Arizona: As a result, we are in danger of losing irrigation, fireworks displays are cancelled all over the state for July 4th, indian farmers are losing animals, and a fire which grew from 300 to 37,000 acres yesterday alone threatens to grow much larger, kill people, destroy homes, and go on record as our worst ever.
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
That's a fair crop ** I can't really blame someone for searchin for byung hyun kim hair, but I find it amusing that my site pops up there. Wish I could give you an explanation for that color, but I'm at a loss...
Close, but no cigar ** I guess not this month. Crapola. I'll be 50 before I get pregnant. With a head full of gray hair.
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
A tale of two airlines ** Exhibit A: Woman arrives at airport at 5:00 p.m. for 6:50 flight. She has two bags to check, an e-ticket with an assigned seat on a major airline, and a daughter checking into another flight on another airline at the same time. About 20 minutes later, the daughter returns, having already waited through a longer line and checked her bags for her flight. The woman has not moved in the line more than about 4 feet. Another flight on this airline to its hub city was cancelled due to mechanical problems, and all of those passengers were attempting to re-book. An hour later, and after much consternation, she was able to check in curbside and proceed to her gate. After boarding the flight (late, of course), they had to wait while the empty seats were filled with stranded passengers from the cancelled flight - and from the second cancelled flight to the hub city. The 30-year-old plane was short on power and the movie had to be re-started a half-dozen times. The plane arrived, late, with very cranky passengers 5 hours later. Exhibit B: Woman arrives at airport at 5:00 p.m. for a 7:45 flight. She has two bags to check, an e-ticket with no assigned seat on a major airline, and a mother checking into another flight on another airline at the same time. About 10 minutes later, the daughter has checked in and is waiting for her mother at a prearranged location. After 10 minutes of waiting, she goes to find her, still in line. When all is resolved, woman's flight takes off on time, is about 3/4 full (resulting in a nice, empty seat next to her), and arrives 10 minutes early. Oh, and it cost about half the price. Southwest Airlines rules. America's Worst - er, America West sucks.
Hot in the city ** Yep, it's hot. This baby got 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his knees and legs from crawling on rocks in his backyard last week. The old story about frying an egg on a car hood is very much true. I've done it. Poor little boy. (story snagged from Sweet Aspirations.)
Happenings ** Well, the trip was fun. I know the kids who compete in National History Day are probably sick of hearing how incredible they are, but it's true! In this age of complaining and whining, irresponsibility and irrationality, to see Jr. and Sr. High kids spend a good portion of their life studying and pursuing a creative competitive project is refreshing. I was very happy to come home, though. I figured we'd miss our window for conceiving this month, but I was wrong! I guess the Clomid is working. I used my Ovulation Predictor Kit the last couple of days, and yesterday it was very positive! Of course, something else came up and we didn't, well, you know. Ah, well. I'm just glad to see my body is doing its thing, finally. Last night, I was on my way home from picking up Joe (so much for spending my first evening home with him - no such luck), and Ember called. She asked if she could come over, and was there when we returned home. We spent a couple of hours together last night, and it was really nice. Not fun, exactly, as she's really got a lot of things to work through right now. But it was good. I think I'm going to be spending a lot more time with her. She really needs to just get away from home lately. She loves her husband, but she's got all these feelings - guilt, sadness, embarassment, anger, guilt, more guilt. She gets even more guilt when she "runs away," as she calls it, but she thinks the space is what they both need. I hope she talks to him about it soon. She's afraid he thinks she doesn't want to be with him; but it's really the opposite. She thinks giving them space while she works on herself is the only way to save their marriage. It's very hard for her to deal with all these things sober. But she's learning. Anyway, there's my first diatribe in ages. I'm sure I'll do it again soon!
Monday, June 17, 2002
I'm ba-aaack! ** Didja miss me? :-) Well, we had a wonderful journey, and I'm sure I'll blog all about it later. I hope your last two weeks have been lovely, dear reader. My training the week before last was dreadfully droll, and combined with the week of vacation last week, I've been left with a desk very full with work. As things relax more this afternoon, I'll post more. Lots of fun things happening in the world of Kerry, so stay tuned! (No, I'm not pregnant yet - I went on vacation for 8 days with my mother)