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Friday, May 10, 2002
How much is that doggie? ** My little baby Princess is in the animal hospital today. She's sleeping right now, having just been spayed. I feel badly for her, I know she must hurt and be very confused about the whole thing. But the hospital called Joe and told him she came through it all fine, and she's resting. She is going to get so much loving tonight, she won't know what to do with herself. Poor thing.
Um, yeah ** No, even I couldn't make this up. Heard in a meeting this morning: "It will help your comfterbility in being audited too." Comfterbility? Hmmm...
Friday at last ** Still no Friday Five. That's okay, I'm sure I'll survive. No updates on the baby front, at least my own. We're trying, and the last week was the important one. I shouldn't know anything for a couple of weeks, but I really think my ovaries did what they were supposed to, despite my Dr's feeling that they weren't going to. The other symptoms and measurements made me think I'm okay. We did everything else right, timing-wise, so who knows? On a similar note, I wish to send my most heartfelt congratulations to Sine and Louis, who delivered their beautiful baby boy sometime yesterday. I don't know the details yet, but I intend to get them shortly. And Season is quickly on her way. It amazes me, truly. Season is one of those wonderful people we never get enough opportunities in life to meet, and I was able to do so. We "met" online, and in person quite a while later, before I was married. I got to meet her and her husband Jamie, and had the most fabulous day. I've always wished I could have spent more time with her, but I'm grateful for the chance to even meet her. And now she's on the very verge of being a mother. That's an incredible and awesome blessing. Best wishes, J&S to you and your beautiful son. You will make incredible parents. Someday I'll take all three of you to Nogales for some pushy shopping and fun pictures.
Devine loss ** My maiden name was Devine. I didn't know Dan Devine at all, and I wasn't related to him. And I spent a fair portion of my youth telling that to well-meaning adults. But apparently, the former ASU and Notre Dame football coach passed away today. I'm sorry to hear that, but no, I am still not related to him.
Thursday, May 09, 2002
Always trying for more ** It's a wonder I have a relatively healthy self-esteem. No, I definitely don't think I'm "All That" but I think I'm just fine, most of the time. But considering most things I try to do seem like they fail in one way or another, either I'm not really just fine or my imagination is toying with me by making me think I can do anything. Joe had to go to work late last night, and he asked me if I would make enchiladas. I said no, but re-thought it after he went to bed for a nap before work. I decided to be a nice wife, spurred on by the wonderful massage I spontaneously gave him to help him sleep (it was just a massage, you dirty readers!). I ran to the store to get diced green chiles and some Woodchuck Cider, and proceeded to make what are probably the nastiest enchiladas I've ever had. Joe really liked them, though, so there's no accounting for taste.
Wednesday, May 08, 2002
Ch-ch-Changes ** I'm in a funk. I need a change. I almost spontaneously got a body wave/perm on my way home from work, but I settled on hair dye, new makeup and some funky new sunglasses instead. The hair dye is pretty subtle and didn't satisfy my restlessness, but at least it's something. I don't know what to do next. I have very simple hair - in other words, I have never had a salon or special stylist. So now I have to figure out where to go and whose opinion to trust. Ugh.
Tuesday, May 07, 2002
Dr. Update ** By the way, I went to the doctor yesterday. She wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure that my insides look okay before we get rolling too much further into this baby journey. Everything looked fine! The only problem she saw was that apparently the Clomid didn't do its thing this month (it's still early to know for certain), and she wants to up it to 100 mg. and make me take it from cd 3-7 instead of 5-9. Of course, this has the added side effect of making twins even more possible. Oh, well. I'm kind of excited by that possibility anyway, so whatever happens, happens. So I may not ovulate this month, and may need the Provera to kick-start me again next month. But on the up-side, we really are enjoying the trying part. Trust me on this!
Amsterdam ** We went to Amsterdam again last night for martinis 'n manicures. The manicure was dreadful, but felt good. The martinis were fabulous, but don't feel so great this morning! If you're ever in Phoenix and looking for a lovely, comfortable, elegant night spot, this is it. There's not even any exterior signage - you have to know where it is (on Central in downtown Phoenix, with a tiny innocuous entrance and a subtle "A" next to the door). Well, it's also a gay bar, so if that bothers you then don't go. But Chelsie and CR, and Tom and Talmar, and Joe and I had a wonderful time.
Monday, May 06, 2002
A day in the life of a ball player ** So, Joe and Chris and Mason and I decided to go see Spider-Man last night. Um, first things first - I loved it. Okay, the love story was a bit hokey and way too dramatic, but the special effects were great and I thought Tobey McGuire did a fabulous job! We also ran into Byung-Hyun Kim. It was way cool - even if Joe wouldn't let me get an autograph. Spoil sport. I find it interesting that he goes to see Spider-Man 3 hours after striking out 3 up, 3 down in the 9th inning of Sunday's game.