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Friday, March 29, 2002
Take me out to the ball game ** Yay! We just secured tickets to the baseball game on Tuesday night. It's the second game of the season (Opening Day is a 1:00 Monday game), and it's the night they're presenting the D-Backs their World Series championship rings! And to make it even cooler, they're giving away replica rings to all who attend. It was originally supposed to be just the first 30,000 fans, but now it's up to 50,000! Imagine... Baseball (which I've missed terribly since November), World Series recognition, and a souvenir - all for the bargain basement nosebleed price of $6.00! Ah, but baseball is truly a blessed sport. They're also playing the Padres, so at least it will be an easy win. Heh heh.
Winging the blue ** Why are there fighter planes outside today? They make me nervous. I'm sure they're nothing, but they're still not calming.
Friday Five ** 1. If you could eat dinner with and "get to know" one famous person (living or dead), who would you choose? Probably Ayn Rand. I just think she'd be a fabulous dinner companion. 2. Has the death of a famous person ever had an effect on you? Who was it and how did you feel? Not really. I remember my mother being saddened and shocked by John Lennon's death but I was only 5. I was stunned when Diana and John John died because I was traveling with friends each time. I think celebrities should fear me going on vacation. 3. If you could BE a famous person for 24 hours, who would you choose? Myself, only famous. :-) 4. Do people ever tell you that you look like someone famous? Who? People have told me I look like Rebecca DeMornay, with dark hair, or Juliette Lewis, but I personally don't think I look like Juliette at all. 5. Have you ever met anyone famous? Billy Connolly, Alice Cooper, Michael Gross, Ally Sheedy, Nanci Griffith, and many many many Scottish, English, Irish, Welsh musicians who are probably only "famous" in certain circles. (See my degrees of separation here!)
Thursday, March 28, 2002
Busy as a beeeeeee ** Work is busy, busy, busy. Job security, right? Right. No word on what's happening on that front, other than my glowing review and the salary appeal (I'm at the plum-bottom of my salary range, and my boss appealed on my behalf). I'm kind of glad not to have to deal with the promotion I was thinking was coming down the pike. Looks like this flood of new files (just to me, thank you American Express for moving people around) will have me hopping for quite a while. I hope it doesn't get me too stuck in a "we can't afford to promote you" quagmire. Ah, well. Too much to do to worry about it. It's almost 5:00. I should be almost home now. Nope. Too much to do.
Yadda yadda yadda ** I don't have much to say lately. I'm kind of in a funk. It's Spring and things are going well, so I should be very cheerful and positive. But I'm not, and I can't figure out why. Joe seems to be in a funk, too, which doesn't help because we're annoying and pissing each other off. I wish I could snap out of it. Last night started off rough, but the high spots were my nail appointment (at last!) with new Wyatt Earple Purple nail polish, and visting Chris to watch West Wing when I just needed to get out of my house. Sometimes that happens. We had a nice visit, though, and I came home at peace. If only my loving husband could have left it alone and not made yet another piss-me-off comment this morning. He's not pushing my buttons lately, he's dancing a jig on them! But alas, I'm trying not to dwell on it, lest it make me actually angry. I've managed to remain simply irritated, not angry, and I wish to keep it that way.
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
We've got a panda kind of love **The zoo’s previous panda pair, Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing, a gift from China, didn’t mate for several years, in part because the male was a tad inept. I know some men like that...
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
Mind of her own ** By the way, we figured out how the dog got locked in the bathroom last week (in fact, she did it twice since then). She's doing it herself. Apparently, she has two new hobbies. The first is gnawing on wood, specifically an old toy box of mine in the living room, and the rungs of a barstool. The second is nosing doors open and shut, primarily the bathroom door so she can bark at the mirror behind the door. Yep. I watched her over the weekend shut herself in there. Now when we leave the house, we have to shut all the bedroom doors and the bathroom door. God only knows what she'll get into next. She's a mischievous little canine.
L.A. is a great big freeway ** I can't stop thinking about getting away today. Why is that? This weekend is Easter (and miscellaneous other things), and next weekend I get to go see Jen! I definitely don't get to see her often enough, and now that I'm sitting here, thinking about our visit, I simply can't wait! Can I come now, Jen? If only... I am feeling better today, but only slightly. At least I don't feel worse. Maybe it was just a 24-hour bug of some sort. That would be nice.
Monday, March 25, 2002
Side note ** Chalk this up as one of those "I bet you didn't know this about me" things: I'm officially the world's "Most 'Committed' Andy Fox Fan". I have the baseball to prove it. Just re-found that link and thought I should share...
Carvel ** Oh, and we were going to go to Carvel this weekend - but the line was out the door and onto the street's sidewalk. The line of cars was stopped on Indian School. I think we'll wait a while. This must be some damned good ice cream!
Handcuffs in the country ** We decided to shake things up a bit and go to a very old country bar in Phoenix, Mr. Lucky's, for Friday night happy hour instead of our normal haunt, Carlos O'Brien's. We had a nice time, but the highlight of the evening was the announcer saying, "Some little boy decided it would be fun to bring handcuffs tonight, and has handcuffed another little boy to the railing downstairs. Now, this little boy doesn't remember his friend's name, so if you happen to know who brought the handcuffs, please send him downstairs with the key. Thank you."
Under the weather ** It sucks to be sick. I get whiny. National History Day was fun on Saturday - It was wonderful to see so many kids at a regional competition, with such creative ideas. Of course, I was sleepy all weekend, and the sore throat started yesterday. Today, I want a big bowl of chicken soup, a warm blankie and daytime talk shows. Alas, I'm at work and if I had more energy I'd be miserable. Instead, I'm just on autopilot.