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Friday, January 04, 2002
You've got to see this! Test for your hidden biases. I knew I had some, but they actually turned out lighter than I feared. Information is there too on what they are and what to do about them! Very interesting. (Thanks to Girl and Geek for the great link)
Oh, come on! I mean, I understand the necessity and complexities of propaganda, but puh-leeze! Creating an image of Osama bin Laden in western attire? This is wrong on so many levels. First, it undermines everything we have done or will do. Second, let's propogate hatred of America/Western civilization a little more, shall we? Third, shouldn't the message be sufficient without having to bold-faced lie visually? The dead al Qaida fighter? Okay, that makes a point. But now who's to say Afghanis shouldn't believe that's fake too? Ugh.
It's time for the Friday Five! 1. You've just won a complete collection of movies starring one actor - what actor would you pick? Hmmm... Probably Liam Neeson. Or maybe Tom Cruise, which is weird because he's not one of my favorite actors but I like most every movie he's been in. Bruce Willis, for the same reason. 2. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Fellowship of the Ring, on New Year's Day. Awesome movie! 3. What was the last video or DVD that you bought? Shrek, for my brother. 4. What movie could you watch over and over again and not get sick of? Titanic 5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? Mr. Lucky's, a country bar tonight with friends/family. Tomorrow, cleaning and fitness, and tomorrow night, dinner with my brother and his S.O. Sunday I actually have no plans (Amen!), so probably church and a quiet day, taking down the remainder of the decorations.
Good morning! Feeling the burn today as we get back into the exercise mode. We're going to a country bar tonight, so at least I won't feel like dancing. Heh heh. Actually, it's a really fun place, even if it's not my usual crowd or style. Hope you have fun plans yourself this fine Friday!
Thursday, January 03, 2002
I'm jealous of Season's snow. It's supposed to be 71 by Monday in Phoenix. Grrrrr.
You know, I love my job. It's pretty slow this week, which I don't like, but when I get to actually work I really enjoy it. I just thought I'd share. There are so many opportunities to bitch and moan in this world, it's nice to appreciate things sometimes. Like the fact that not only do I have a job, but I actually like it.
So I joined the millions of people currently using Quicken with my purchase of it last night. It took a long time to get everything in there and up and running. I think in the long run it will really help us. Joe is anal about our finances, but wants me to pay everything. So he's frustrated that he doesn't know the flow of our checking account and at the same time recognizes why. This way, I'll still be in charge of it all, but he can look at it when his anal moments hit. Problem solved! It also has a nice budgeting feature, which I'm using as Exhibit A for the Baby Adventure. I also mentioned that I found some information for him to read: Exhibit B. He took that fairly well. Of course, he hasn't read it yet...
Wednesday, January 02, 2002
Well, I've done a bit more thinking and started some research. Talking to some friends here helped too. I think we're fine. I've worked out a budget (he's mostly freaking about financial stuff), and there's no reason there for us to have any real problems there. Does anybody know of a good website with information about considerations when deciding if/when to start a family? I'm looking for some talking points with Joe to ease both our minds.
So, I have a lot on my mind lately. Joe and I have discussed starting to try for a family after March 3 (my sister's wedding). This has been a definite date in my mind for a long time. Well, that's only 2 months away. I need to call in a prescription for my pills if I'm going to do it, or make the decision now to go off. I decided I want to be off of it. Joe agreed. This was Monday. Tuesday he started thinking. Now, I concede that men and women arrive at the "ready" point differently when it comes to having children. Knowing this was coming, I have done a lot of thinking. A lot. Joe apparently has not. So this discussion started a whole world of realizations and complex issues to be worked through in his own mind. I don't know what this means for us as far as timing. I think things will go as planned, once we are both on the same page. But I might call in that prescription just in case.
You know... Can I just remind you all to be sure you word things as carefully as possible on your sites? I had something on my friends page that got misconstrued and almost got a friend in trouble for no reason. Sheesh!
Well, happy new year! I hope your festivities were joyous and your morning not too hungover. We had a lovely time with friends at Joe's parents' house for New Year's Eve, and spent all day yesterday playing Simpsons Clue, bridge, and going to see Fellowship of the Ring. It was an incredible movie! Probably sounds like a boring time to everyone else, but we had so much fun with family and friends I wouldn't have changed a moment.
Monday, December 31, 2001
Am I the only person who has to work today? At least I get off early.
Oh my goodness, what an annoying weekend. My neck/back/chest pains have turned into pretty serious issues. I spent the bulk of the weekend doped up on percoset and muscle relaxers. Doesn't make for productive days or nights. Fortunately, Joe was off snowboarding and got to miss my misery. I'm still really rough today, but at least I made it in to work. I'm really loopy on muscle relaxers now, and I'm afraid everyone not on my team thinks I'm stoned or something. And I am signing contracts. Boy, I hope they are drawn up right. Oh well! On the up-side, I got to spend all weekend with my puppy and her newly- and beautifully-groomed brothers. What handsome Scotties they are under all those layers of fur! Pictures are forthcoming. Anyway, nobody is at work today. Nobody was on the roads today. Nobody wants to do anything but party today. Nice. For us, it's Outback Steakhouse and new year's celebrations with Joe's parents and our friends. Perfection!