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Friday, December 07, 2001
Thought for you this fine Friday. I have never seen this one, so I guess I've been living in a cave. I won't give you the answer. You have to figure it out for yourself - I had to! Here goes... "What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you'll die?"
Friday Five, from Heather 1. If you were to go to a movie this weekend, which one would you pick? Oceans 11. I want to see Fellowship of the Ring, but it's not out yet. 2. What movie would you like to rent this weekend? Tomb Raider or Legally Blonde 3. What one TV show do you always try to watch? West Wing 4. If you (and your S.O.) were cool with it, what five celebrities (at the most) would it be 'ok' for you to have a fling with? Hmmm... Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Ben Affleck, Ralph Fiennes, Johnny Depp (with an honorary mention for Ewan MacGregor). 5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? should i do away with this question? Tonight, happy hour. Tomorrow morning, ordering photos for Christmas gifts. Tomorrow night, a friend's Christmas party (the first of many). Sunday, Cardinals vs. Redskins. Yippee!
Thursday, December 06, 2001
In my short life so far, I have already learned to appreciate the complexities of friendship. The joys we feel from friendship are awesome, the sadness from losing a friend or hurting one, excruciating. I have been estranged from one of my best friends by circumstances beyond my control. Many many nights I have stayed up, trying to figure out how to be a "good" friend to her. Now, the individual who has caused her so much pain and put our friendship in such lengthy jeopardy has exited her life. I feel like I've just been given an incredible Christmas present, flawed and in need of major assembly, but with known phenomenal promise. Thank God she's been given this opportunity, and that I have been given this opportunity too! If you know Michelle, from my talking about her or personally, please keep her in your thoughts. She has a long road ahead of her, but at least there's finally one to take!
Wednesday, December 05, 2001
This is neat. I found it on Dawn's site. Do it yourself.
Posted 1:59 PM by Kerry O.
Puppies are amusing. Monty was a good boy until we brought little Princess into the picture. He's still a very dignified dog, but when you're not looking and they're nosing around together, they get into trouble. I heard weird noises this morning, and came out to find much of the kitchen trash chewed on and strewn around the kitchen and living room. Ugh. They're both starting to get a little attitude too, which is amusing and irritating at the same time. Ah, the joys of doggie parenthood.
Tuesday, December 04, 2001
Just when you think your day can't get any worse... I'm losing my mind here! Did I wear my bullseye "Hit me here!" shirt today?!?
Ahhhhh, it's raining! So beautiful this morning. Just what my soul needed. The puppy scared us yesterday. Scared Joe, really, as I was at work. It appears she broke her top right canine tooth (the huge pointy one), almost clean off. The vet nurses (who created a scene when they ooohed and aaahed over her) said that puppy teeth don't have any nerves, so it doesn't hurt her. And since they'll fall out in a couple of months anyway, not to worry about it unless it gets infected. Apparently puppy teeth are very brittle, and this does happen. Still makes me sad. My little baby keeps trying to bite me, and has to shift her mouth around to get me with the good teeth. I'm just glad it doesn't hurt her. She keeps gnawing on the phone book with that tooth, so it can't be that bad.
Monday, December 03, 2001
Neat stuff. I learned today that in Arizona (and possibly other states?!), you can get a direct tax credit for donations made to a school, up to $200. That comes right off of your tax liability, or added to your refund. My mother is the state coordinator for National History Day and she's trying to get people to know about this credit. See if your state has it, find a worthy school and club, and do a favor for yourself as well as your community!
Ahhhh, rainy days and Mondays always get me down... It's not raining yet (tonight it will), but it is Monday. My weekend was lovely. The house is very decorated, happy hour was quite interesting, the Fiesta of Lights parade in downtown Phoenix was really fun and I finally got to see Harry Potter! Mom and Joe and I went and we all loved it, amazingly enough! Today sucks though. Every day can't be fun, right?