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Friday, November 02, 2001
Well, I hope I was fast enough. My car was hit on 10/14, and it is going into the shop on Monday morning. Joe told them I didn't need a rental car for the week, and I decided I really do. I'm not happy driving the Mazda, and isn't that what their insurance is for? Well, when I called to tell them I needed one, she told me they were going to send a check since I didn't want the rental car, and it would have been "Three..." - she didn't finish. That has to be $300+ but I didn't react fast enough and I went ahead and made the rental arrangements. After thinking about it, I realized what a goober I am. I can drive the Mazda, and we can sure use the $300+ on our anniversary trip!!! So I called the agent back, who's in until 5 most days. Nope, in until 4:15 today. It's 4:15 right now. I hope I left the message in time. She probably won't get it until after I was supposed to pick up the car. At least I cancelled it with Enterprise so they won't get charged. Keep your fingers crossed!!!
Friday Five, thanks to Heather 1. Do you eat breakfast? What did you have today? I'm trying not to, but we have a buffet on our team every Friday morning, so I succumbed. I had 1/2 a cinnamon roll, 1/2 a breakfast burrito and about 5 pieces of mixed fruit. 2. What beverages do you usually have in a typical day? Water throughout the day, Dr. Pepper at lunch, maybe at dinner. Sometimes a beer or two (especially during the World Series!). 3. White bread or wheat bread? White, preferably Sourdough. 4. What's your favorite kind (potato/tortilla/corn) and flavor of chip? Tortilla, with homemade salsa if I'm lucky. 5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? Picking out our new puppy tonight and dinner with the folks, putzing around tomorrow, and church and football/baseball viewing with mom on Sunday.
Aw, geez. The Diamondbacks are trying to kill me. I swear to you. I sat there last night, in painful disbelief of what I was seeing. Now it's up to RJ to save the day. At least one of them. Just don't make me sit through another freaking 12 innings to lose. Please. If I see Byung-Hyung Kim on the street, he'd better run.
Thursday, November 01, 2001
Ugh. Wow, I'm stupid today. Updated the comment line. Managed to delete all the comments in the process. Farking A, that pisses me off. Sorry to all who commented. I loved your happy thoughts. Please feel free to re-post if you have a second. I miss your comments. All for a faster-loading page. I guess I should have read the update instructions FIRST. Ugh.
This is a tremendously important issue, and I can't word it any better than Wil or Robert Redford did. Just read it. Then go here and do something about it! Don't let them use this time of tragedy to snowball a bad, bad idea through Congress. There is simply no good argument, or frankly, good excuse for drilling for oil in the arctic, especially when so many much better alternatives exist. Reduce, reuse, recycle. It was a good theme in the 70's, it's a good theme today, and applies on so many better levels now. Think, then act. Tell your Congressmen to blow it out their pieholes before letting this one pass. It's up to us!
So much for the "very good night." D-Backs lost. I still have faith they'll pull it out in the end of it all, but it's disappointing nonetheless. We did get trick-or-treaters; I was surprised. I think we counted about 6 groups of about 3-4 kids each. Most all were accompanied by parents, and asking about the score of the game. They looked cute though. Lots of cartoon characters, witches and cheerleaders. Meanwhile, Joe's back in the doghouse for telling me I'm fat. Basically. I guess it's time to stop eating.
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
Happy Halloween!!! I'm dressed as Dorothy today, and if one more person asks me where Toto is, I'm screaming. I don't mind EVERY person I see telling me how cute I look or how exactly like Dorothy I naturally look [not sure I ever wanted to be Judy Garland, but, hey!], but the Toto thing is out of hand. I left my basket and very non-Toto looking stuffed dog on my dresser. I forgot Toto. That's probably a felony in Kansas. Anyway, lots of potlucking, probably gained 10 pounds, and lots of fun at work today. Now if the D-Backs will just win, it will be a very good night indeed.
Tuesday, October 30, 2001
I just noticed that the Guest Map dot I was referring to yesterday that let me find the poster is gone. Apparently, according to their FAQ, the Guest Map people delete "No Comment" posts once or twice a day. Please note this when you sign the guest map.
Well, we're officially going to New Orleans. Can I just tell you there are days when I nearly worship my husband? He's such a wonderful person. He could have easily said no about this trip, or any of the other things going on right now. But he wants to go, and wants us to have fun. He has so many wonderful ideas about short-term and long-term life; he just gets me excited about our life together all over again. Almost a year, I can't believe it. I love you, Joe!
Monday, October 29, 2001
...it's just like any other kind of web publishing. I don't mind when it's not someone stealing my own creative work, like happens to my friend Sine. I "borrowed" the Guest Map idea from Season 'cause I thought it was neat. And this girl borrowed it from me. The more the merrier!
All of you civilized people who switch daylight saving time just confuse me. For the record, I am now only 2 hours off of the East Coast, 1 hour off you midwesterners, same time as Rocky Mountain folks, and 1 big hour ahead of you Californian and Pacific coasters. Didja follow that? Good. Well, don't get used to it. Whenever you switch back again, we'll be 3 hours, 2 hours, 1 hour, and same. Respectively, of course.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh- oh- oh yeah... The Arizona Diamondbacks kick some serious boo-tay!!! It was a lovely sporting weekend. We went to the Phoenix Coyotes game on Saturday morning (breaking our curse - they actually WON!), then watched the D-Backs game at a friend's house, then football lazy-day on Sunday, and D-Backs with Joe on my own living room couch Sunday night. YAY! I want to say they'll sweep, but I know better. I still say they'll win the Series, they'll just do it back here. Go D-Backs!