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Friday, October 26, 2001
Yippee!! Thanks for signing the map! So, taking votes for where we should go for our First Anniversary! We were thinking New Orleans, but now the flights are being challenging. Or Lake Tahoe/Reno, but Joe's iffy. He's voting for Los Angeles, but that's been done. Money's limited. Suggestions, anyone? We'd like to keep it around $350/person for approx. 4 nights. I know, I'm a horrible optimist. We can cut it to 3 if we must.
Okay, everyone who wanders through here, do me a favor and click on "Where are you" on the left nav menu. Or the globe. I wanna know where you all are from! I'm from Phoenix. Duh. Actually, it's a pretty happening place to be this weekend. Besides the fun activities already happening (i.e. State Fair, fall stuff), we have the World Series this weekend, plus a NASCAR race that draws around 250,000 people! Holy! Our tourism board is expecting around 600,000 tourists this weekend. So much for parking for the Coyotes game on Saturday!
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
So, I just got out of a Meeting. One of those meetings that deserves to be capitalized. We were meeting about a colleague, who is, in essence, my (and 3 others') assistant. She's just not "getting it." Man, these meetings suck. You see, I've been on the reverse side of it. Regardless of what excuses I may have for past job performance (lack of everything: challenge, satisfaction, instruction, concern...), I still know what it's like to have others not happy with your work, and feel crappy about it. To know that people are sitting in a room, discussing you and what to do about you. That sucks. I wish I didn't know that and I could happily rant away and bitch to my heart's content. But the remembering side of me, the empathetic, understanding side of me wants to defend her. Deep down, I know it's not going to work, and yet I go to bat saying "Give her a chance, it might just be [insert possible problem here]." Man, this sucks. And, at the same time, I am now associated in some way with a "problem." No, it's not my problem... No, I'm not the one loudly complaining (even if justifiable)... No, I'm not speaking too imsistently about anything at all... But in my supervisor's mind, and in the minds of my colleagues, now there's been a "problem" on my team. That doesn't look good. I'm still trying to be teacher's pet, if you will. Until I feel secure enough in my job performance and team position, I don't really want to make waves. Ugh. No-win situation. Just like listening to some of my colleagues - friends, even! - bitch and whine about hating their jobs. Well, you know what? I like my job, I like working here, and I don't have any desire to go anywhere or do anything else. I just hope whatever happens happens. We're giving her another shot, with some suggestions of ways to make all of our lives easier. If it doesn't work, I hope she makes the necessary decision. Of course, then we don't have an assistant, but that can be addressed if it needs to be. It's just hard when the well-oiled machine... well... isn't.
I'm just embarrassed by that post now. Too much sugar does bad things to your head. I think I'll hide from the candy corn for a while.
Candy Corn is good. [hanging my head in shame now... must be the sugar high... damn Halloween candy...]
Tuesday, October 23, 2001
I know, I'm post-happy today. This is riotous. (Found while lurking in Stefani's blog) Also found there a fun link, and my new name: Governess Junior Grade of The Right Side of Web Surfing On Company Time, Mother Kerry Lynn. How painfully appropriate. Now I need to remember to add Stef to my list over <-- there.
Hoopy Frood! Long live Hitchhiker's Guide references! I found a little midday amusement at Wil Wheaton's (you know, Star Trek, Next Generation?) site. Check it out for yourself!
Oh, what was I thinking?! A-hem....... Go D-Backs, Go D-Backs! It's your Series, have a party! - The Diamondbacks are in the World Series!!! Kick A--!!!
Ugh - Still sick. Getting better, but still sick. It's in my lungs now. Thanks to Sine for utilizing the Comment field. Hint, hint! I lurk in many blogs too, and should probably link to more! I'll work on that soon.
Monday, October 22, 2001
Just want to say thanks to everyone who welcomed us with such incredible hospitality this past weekend at all of the pre- and post-wedding bashes for Tom and Talmar. The wedding was incredible, so beautiful and fun. Joe gave a very nice speech, and nobody did anything foolish. Talmar looked either like a Princess or Snow White, your pick. She was stunning either way! :-) Sad to see it all over, but so happy for them. They're off to gay Paree and Spain for 10 days. Keep them in your thoughts that they may have a romantic and safe journey. Thanks!
Ugh - Officially sick now. Sick and at work. How wrong is that? And we're busy too. Figures.