O. Baby! Our pregnancy blog - Ceili Morgan due 3/13/03!

friday, september 27 :::
+ Same story, new day +
Nothing new today. You're not very active today, which is okay since I've been pretty busy. Hopefully you'll wake up and play this evening! I got to talk about you a lot today at a team luncheon. Lots of people want to know about you and how you're doing. Already so popular!

::: posted by Kerry at 2:59 PM

thursday, september 26 :::
+ New mom, old wives tales +
I love it. Someone here at work told me in a very concerned voice, "Just don't stretch like this..." as she pulled her arms straight up over her head and stretched. "It can wrap the cord around the baby's neck!" "That's not true," I told her. "I looked it up, because I feel the need to stretch quite a lot, and I'd heard that old wives' tale." "Well, if you say so, but it IS true, my doctor told me that, and I've seen it happen." Hmmmm... Yeah, I don't think so. It's one of those persistent wives' tales that just won't go away. Why do people buy these things? I'm going to keep gently stretching, thankyouverymuch. Baby O., if you don't like it, just give me a gentle knock and let me know. Deal?

::: posted by Kerry at 3:02 PM

+ Whoa doggie! +
I said I wanted to feel you, but come on! Wow! I'm sitting in a weird position, and you do NOT like it. These are the first distinct feelings I've had since the first poke. I think you're trying to get me to move! This is great. The position's really quite uncomfortable, but I don't want to move 'cause this is too cool!

::: posted by Kerry at 11:06 AM

+ Sweet Sixteen +
Today is 16 weeks, Baby O.! We're really getting there. We have 24 weeks to go (give or take). Can you believe it?! I've started telling people who ask that we're about 4 months pregnant, which is just amazing to me. I'm still hovering between maternity and non-maternity clothes, which will probably last for another couple of weeks. You like it when I eat now, which is pretty amusing. Once my stomach starts processing food, you like to move. I still can't really feel anything distinct, but I know it's you wriggling around in there.

It's a good thing I'm getting at least a little of my appetite back. I went in yesterday afternoon for my AFP test, and found my weight is down another pound. I was thinking about this this morning, and thinking next pregnancy I'll probably gain 20 pounds in the first trimester and curse myself for wanting to gain weight. Ha! I still feel healthy, and the nurse asked me if I was eating and taking my vitamins, which I am. So she didn't really seem alarmed. We had trouble drawing my blood though, which caused me to joke that you're stealing it all from me. She couldn't get a vein in either inner elbow (which is fine, since my right arm was already hurting), and had to go in on the back on my left wrist. That worked, though, and I filled the vial like a champ!

Now we have to wait another two weeks, until 10/9, to find out the results. I'm surprisingly not worried about it. I don't take it for granted that it will be fine, I'm just not worrying. If it's not fine, we'll take the next steps as needed and move on. Either way, I love you and I worry for you. Just keep moving. I like it better when I can feel you! And I promise to keep eating and giving you the intestinal lullaby you seem to enjoy.

::: posted by Kerry at 8:02 AM

tuesday, september 24 :::
+ Flutters-by +
You are fluttering again. You did that to me last night too. I think you're going to have a real personality about your movements. That will be amusing, I'm sure!

::: posted by Kerry at 1:19 PM

+ Imagine +
Driving home yesterday, I was touching my stomach and singing to you, Baby O., and I was overcome by this incredible feeling. Is there anything else in the world filled with such possibility and potential as a baby growing in its mother's womb? What a beautiful thing!

::: posted by Kerry at 7:46 AM

monday, september 23 :::
+ 15w4d +
So, I guess I'm showing. It still feels more like an out-of-shape belly to me, but everyone else says it's definitely a pregnant belly. I wore maternity clothes most of the weekend, and was very happy doing so. They don't feel quite as tent-like as they did before, so I guess I am indeed growing. Weird to think I'm growing without gaining any weight so far, though. This week I'm going to go in for AFP testing. I don't know what day I'll do it, because I can just drop in anytime I want before 4:30. One of these afternoons, I'll just head down there. I don't kow if they'll give us the results before our next appointment or not, but probably not. So I'll be a nervous wreck until 10/9. Actually, so far, I've managed to keep from being a nervous wreck about anything really. I am moderately cautious about things, but mostly I just go on about my normal life with this sense of calm. It's weird. I guess I just trust that I'll take care of you, and God will take care of both of us. So all I have to do is be good to both of us, and take whatever comes our way as it does. No sense in stressing about what might happen, right?! Sounds good anyway. :-) The 28-day lunar month makes us 4 months on Wednesday! The true (calendar) lunar month makes us 4 months next Tuesday. Either way, it seems to be zooming right by. If only the weather would cool down, I could really start digging this whole pregnancy thing!

::: posted by Kerry at 9:22 AM

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Just click on the link above, enter kerryandjoe in the "game name" field and enter your guesses. Remember the email you enter, since you might want to revise it sometime before next March.

Pregnancy Blogs...

(edd 3/17/03)

(edd 3/26/03)

(edd 4/3/03)

(edd 4/6/03)

Bun in the Oven
(edd 1/8/03)

(edd 2/03?)

Fluid Pudding
(edd 4/24/03)

Holly (pw'd)
(edd 5/21/03)

(edd 4/26/03)

(edd 3/3/03)

(edd 3/18/03)

(edd 3/24/03 twins)

(edd 5/16/03)

(edd 12/26/02)

(edd 3/03?)

(edd 2/14/03)

(edd 4/25/03)

(edd 3/3/03)

Cheryl TTC

Baby Blogs...

Baby Bruce

Baby Olivia
(Emma - pw'd)

Baby Olivia

Baby Sean
(Sarah - pw'd)

Baby William


New Mommies

< ? Blogging Mommies # >

< . ? . babyblog . # . >

Current Reads...

Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul
Mayo Clinic Guide to Pregnancy and Baby's First Year
What to Expect When You're Expecting

Doctor Visits...

1/28 - childbirth class 4
1/27 - OB Dr. U.
1/21 - childbirth class 3
1/14 - childbirth class 2
1/13 - OB Dr. U.
1/7 - childbirth class 1
12/17 - OB Dr. M. (glucose)*
*6 lbs. gain
11/19 - OB Dr. U. (checkup)*
*3 lbs. gain
11/13 - OB Dr. U. (cancelled)
10/9 - OB Dr. U. (ultrasound)
9/19 - PCP Dr. P. (checkup)
9/9 - OB Dr. U. (doppler)
9/5 - GI Dr. M. (checkup)
8/1 - OB RNP (ultrasound)

Wonderful gifts received...

Hand-crocheted blanket
from Grandma Laurie

from Auntie Jen

Singing Stuffed Elephant
from Grandma Carol-Ann

Sun Devil Princess dress
from Aunt Chelsie

Unfinished changing table
from Grandma Carol


Baby O's Registry & Wishlist

Our pregnancy blog - Ceili Morgan due 3/13/03!

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