O. Baby! Our pregnancy blog - Ceili Morgan due 3/13/03!

friday, september 6 :::
+ Cramping +
Today is a cramping day. Greeeaaaat. I think my uterus doubled overnight. I kept waking up to mild muscle cramping, and felt the need to stretch every time. You know like kids stretch as their muscles grow and pull? To boot, the thought of wearing anything constricting at ALL today just made me grimace. Soooooo, I'm wearing my white maternity (drawstring, not panel) capris, and a 3/4 sleeve sky blue maternity knit shirt. The not-so-welcome result of this? I suddenly look pregnant - and someone patted my belly. Yes. It's happening and I'm only just entering my 4th month. Fabulous. I have almost 6 months of this still, don't I?

::: posted by Kerry at 11:44 AM

thursday, september 5 :::
+ Pumping Iron +
Do you need more iron in there? The tummy doctor visit was uneventful, but she wants me to take some prescription iron pills since she thinks you (and I) might not be getting enough. I do eat red meat, and fish, and other good iron sources, and I take my prenatals, but I guess it's not enough. Maybe that will help with some of my energy concerns, and/or the weird dizzy spells I have almost daily.

::: posted by Kerry at 2:24 PM

+ Today +
think "Happy Birthday":Happy second trimester to us, happy second trimester to us! Happy second trimester to u-us, happy second trimester to us! Yes, indeedy, Baby O. You have been in there for one full trimester already! I am so happy, I can't explain it. Realistically or unrealistically, I have just had today in my mind as THE day I was waiting for. Well, in the short term anyway. :-) There's another day in March I'm waiting for too! Today I see the tummy doctor, and hopefully everything's okay there. Your poor daddy has had to deal with some pretty major mood swings from me the last couple of days. I don't think he is liking those very much. I'm trying not to be so irritable, but not having much luck. Most days, though, I feel almost completely normal. I actually worried myself yesterday when I realized that I haven't really had many - or, almost any - symptoms in days. That or I have just gotten completely used to them. It's possible. Anyway, here we are! 12 weeks done, 26-ish to go!

::: posted by Kerry at 7:56 AM

wednesday, september 4 :::
+ Cleanin' House +
I spent a little time cleaning up some of the links over there. I found a journal today for a baby due just after you! It'll be interesting to follow along on her journey and compare notes. Every pregnancy is different, I know that. But it still helps to see where others are at! Today is one of those I-don't-really-feel-pregnant days. My jeans fit okay, I'm not hungry or nauseous, I feel like I have pretty normal energy, etc. Tomorrow we see the tummy doctor, and we'll make sure that you're getting all the nutrients you need, despite my Celiac. I'm hopeful that everything's okay on that front. Then next Monday it's back to the baby doctor to hopefully hear your heartbeat. Today's the end of the first trimester! We made it! Keep safe and healthy in there. I think about you nearly every second.

::: posted by Kerry at 10:10 AM

tuesday, september 3 :::
+ 2 days, hahaha +
Okay, that doesn't exactly sound like the Count on Sesame Street, but you get the idea. Technically, in one day and 15 hours the first trimester will be history. That means you and I will be one big step closer to being together. I spent much of the weekend, particularly yesterday watching baby stories on multiple cable TV channels. I read some books to make sure I'm doing okay since I'm still not gaining weight. I was also a little sick on Friday, and pretty sick Sunday night from some food I shouldn't have eaten, which had me worrying about you. Your daddy asked me if it could be hurting you, which worried me. But I don't think it could. I rested as much as possible, and cleaned when my bursts of energy struck. Those seem to be happening more often, even though I have been sick. I seem to need a little less sleep, too. My body doesn't turn off right at 9:00 anymore. I can usually push it a little later. Anyway, there's our update. Ready to go into that fourth month, Baby O? Bring it on!

::: posted by Kerry at 9:37 AM

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Enter your guess for the birth stats!
Just click on the link above, enter kerryandjoe in the "game name" field and enter your guesses. Remember the email you enter, since you might want to revise it sometime before next March.

Pregnancy Blogs...

(edd 3/17/03)

(edd 4/3/03)

(edd 4/6/03)

Bun in the Oven
(edd 1/8/03)

(edd 2/03?)

Fluid Pudding
(edd 4/24/03)

Holly (pw'd)
(edd 5/21/03)

(edd 4/26/03)

(edd 3/3/03)

(edd 3/18/03)

(edd 3/24/03 twins)

(edd 5/16/03)

(edd 12/26/02)

(edd 3/03?)

(edd 2/14/03)

(edd 4/25/03)

(edd 3/3/03)

Cheryl TTC

Baby Blogs...

Baby Bruce

Baby Olivia
(Emma - pw'd)

Baby Olivia

Baby Sean
(Sarah - pw'd)

Baby William

< ? Blogging Mommies # >

< . ? . babyblog . # . >

Current Reads...

Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul
Mayo Clinic Guide to Pregnancy and Baby's First Year
What to Expect When You're Expecting

Doctor Visits...

12/17 - OB Dr. ? (glucose)
11/19 - OB Dr. U. (checkup)*
*3 lbs. gain
11/13 - OB Dr. U. (cancelled)
10/9 - OB Dr. U. (ultrasound)
9/19 - PCP Dr. P. (checkup)
9/9 - OB Dr. U. (doppler)
9/5 - GI Dr. M. (checkup)
8/1 - OB RNP (ultrasound)

Wonderful gifts received...

Hand-crocheted blanket
from Grandma Laurie

from Auntie Jen

Singing Stuffed Elephant
from Grandma Carol-Ann

Sun Devil Princess dress
from Aunt Chelsie

Unfinished changing table
from Grandma Carol


Baby O's Registry & Wishlist

Our pregnancy blog - Ceili Morgan due 3/13/03!

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