O. Baby!
Our pregnancy blog - Ceili Morgan due 3/13/03!
wednesday, july 24 :::
+ Devastating + And poof! Just like that. The girl I mentioned at work has been out for a week, and I finally asked someone today if they knew why. She miscarried again. She may not be coming back to work. It amazes me that we can get and stay pregnant ever. And it worries me about you. I'm having a very bad physical day, and when I hear things like that, I worry I might lose you. I can't imagine what it must be like for people who miscarry 3, 4, 5 times or more. How can you believe your little one will ever be in your arms? I pray again that you will be safe and sound in there and relax until your time comes to say hello in 7-8 months.
tuesday, july 23 :::
+ Week 6, Day 5 + Or something thereabout. That's what the Amazing Pregnancy calculator tells me. I'm getting very anxious for our doctor's visit next Thursday so we'll have a better idea how far along we really are. Hopefully you're well on your way to being a big, healthy baby boy or girl. Six weeks sounds like a lot, but when I think about having 34 to go, it sounds like peanuts.
monday, july 22 :::
+ (Yawn!) + My goodness, but you're making me sleepy! I took naps on Saturday and Sunday, and still went to bed early. I read somewhere that your fatigue is greatly increased when pregnant with twins, so it makes me wonder. But I'm sure I'm just being silly. Your friend-aunt Ember gave me a birthday present early, and it had a beautiful Pregnancy Journal in it. I get to write out my thoughts and feelings and details all about you. It's so nice, and I am sure someday you'll think it's interesting to look at. Your great-grandma found out about you yesterday, and your great-uncle. They're both so excited you're coming to see us. You'll probably be her only great-grandchild for a while. I'm sure she'll spoil you rotten! Anyway, I'm already sleepy again today, and it's not even lunchtime. I can't wait until this particular side-effect goes away. Having said that, I don't mind so much when it's for such a happy reason. Your daddy told me I was pretty this weekend and said he already sees a healthy pregnant glow. It's all about you, little one. Birth-minus-7+-months and you're already enriching our lives. That's so incredible!
Enter your guess for the birth stats!
Just click on the link above, enter kerryandjoe in the "game name" field and enter your guesses.
Remember the email you enter, since you might want to revise it sometime before next March.
Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul
Mayo Clinic Guide to Pregnancy and Baby's First Year
What to Expect When You're Expecting
Doctor Visits...
12/17 - OB Dr. ? (glucose) 11/19 - OB Dr. U. (checkup)*
*3 lbs. gain 11/13 - OB Dr. U. (cancelled)
10/9 - OB Dr. U. (ultrasound)
9/19 - PCP Dr. P. (checkup)
9/9 - OB Dr. U. (doppler)
9/5 - GI Dr. M. (checkup)
8/1 - OB RNP (ultrasound)